Sunday, March 4, 2012

4th March 2012

Spinach Rice & Pumpkin Prawns

For the rice:
2 tbsp Oil
1 ½ cup Basmati (washed and soaked for ½ hr)
1 bunch Spinach (Puréed)
1 Onion (Sliced)
2 Bay leaves
4 Cloves
8 – 10 pepper corns
1 inch stick Cinnamon
1 Maggie Cube

For pumpkin and prawns:
2 tbsp Oil
¼ tsp Mustard seeds
¼ tsp Jeera seeds
6 – 8 Curry leaves
4 Small dry red chillies
1 Onion (sliced)
1 Tomato (chopped)
¼ tsp Turmeric powder
¼ tsp Chilli powder
½ kg Prawns (shelled, deveined and lightly salted)
½ kg Red Pumpkin (cubed)

For the rice
Step 1. Heat oil in a cooking vessel and add the bay leaves, cloves, pepper, cinnamon and onions fry till onions are soft.
Step 2. Add the spinach and Maggie cube and stir till the cube is diluted.
Step 3. Add the rice and fry for 1 minute and cover with boiling water (water should be an inch above the rice)
Step 4. Cover and cook on low heat till the rice is done.

For the Pumpkin Prawns
Step 1. Heat oil in a pan and add mustard, jeera, curry leaves, chillies, onion and fry till onion is soft.
Step 2. Add the tomatoes and fry further till soft.
Step 3. Add the turmeric and chilli powder and pumpkin.
Step 4. Add water just in level with the pumpkin and cook stirring occasionally.
Step 5. When the pumpkin is done add the prawns and cook for 5 mins. (Add salt to taste)

Serve hot.. 

1 comment:

  1. My personal fav!! I hated pumpkin for the longest time but the prawns made the difference.. ;-)
